20TPH cattle feed processing plant

  • Project Name: cattle feed processing plant
  • Capacity: 20 ton /h (equal to 120,000 tons per year)
  • Application: It is design best for cattle feed manufacturing, but also suitable for other ruminants such as camels, deer, giraffes, alpacas, antelopes and sheep. If you have the need to establish a livestock feed plant, please consult with any questions.

cattle feed manufacturing

Feed technological progress and cattle feed production practice proved that scientific and rationalfeed nutrition can constantly improve the feed efficiency, reduce the production of cattle feed costs, so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cattle feed processing, how to make rational use of feed resources and scientific processing feed plays a decisive role in the development of cattle feed manufacturing.

cattle feed processing plant outview

Overview of Cattle Feed Processing Plant

cattle feed processing plant

cattle feed processing machine

Crushing & Pelleting Section

cattle feed processing machine

cattle feed manufacturing process

Electric Control Cabinet

cattle feed packing machine

Cattle Feed Pellet Packing

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